10.58396/eces020203 https://www.sandermanpub.com/uploads/master/file/20240529/6656ea0835abc.pdf?version=1739535344 https://www.sandermanpub.com/uploads/master/file/20240529/6656ea0835abc.pdf?version=1739535344

Quantum frontiers: navigating the wave of the future

by Manu Mitra

Alumnus with Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bridgeport, CT, USA
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed
2023.2(2); https://doi.org/10.58396/eces020203
Received: 16 Apr 2024 / Accepted:20 May 2024 / Published: 28 May 2024


The advent of quantum mechanics has ushered humanity into an era of unparalleled scientific exploration and technological innovation. As we stand at the forefront of this quantum revolution, it becomes imperative to comprehend the foundational principles and expanding applications that define quantum frontiers. This abstract explains into the enigmatic realm of quantum mechanics, elucidating its fundamental concepts such as superposition, entanglement, and decoherence. Moreover, it explores the profound implications of quantum computing, cryptography, and communication technologies, which promise to revolutionize industries and reshape societal landscapes. Through a multidisciplinary lens, this abstract navigates the wave of the future, unveiling the transformative potential of quantum frontiers and the challenges that lie ahead in harnessing its power for the betterment of humanity.

Quantum, frontiers, navigating, wave, future, quantum mechanics.


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